
Our road map to net zero

At Vaculug, we’re not just retreading tyres; we’re reshaping the future of our planet through unwavering commitment to sustainable environmental practices. Our journey towards a greener world is guided by a steadfast belief that every action we take today paves the way for a more sustainable tomorrow.

Our environmental responsibility isn’t an afterthought – it’s a fundamental cornerstone of our operations. We embrace sustainable thinking at every level, seeking innovative solutions that minimize our ecological footprint while maximizing efficiency. From our cutting-edge retreading processes to our energy-efficient facilities, sustainability is ingrained in everything we do.

In a world grappling with environmental challenges, we’ve adopted a proactive stance. Vaculug is dedicated to reducing waste, reusing materials, and recycling resources whenever possible. Our tyre retreading processes extend the life of tyres, reducing the need for new raw materials and minimizing waste. We’re proud to contribute to a circular economy that values resourcefulness.

We’re not content with the status quo – we’re driven by innovation that makes a positive impact. Our research and development efforts are directed towards eco-friendly retreading solutions that conserve valuable resources and curtail emissions. We’re pioneering the future of tyre retreading, one sustainable innovation at a time.

Our commitment to the environment extends to energy conservation. Our facilities are designed with energy efficiency in mind, incorporating technologies that minimize energy consumption. By embracing renewable energy sources and implementing smart energy management systems, we’re reducing our carbon footprint and leading by example.

At Vaculug, we’re not just invested in retreading tyres; we’re invested in communities. Through environmental education initiatives, partnerships, and community outreach, we’re raising awareness about sustainable practices. By fostering a sense of shared responsibility, we’re working towards a world where everyone plays a role in preserving our planet.

Our environmental responsibility isn’t just a promise – it’s a commitment upheld with transparency and accountability. We believe in sharing our progress, challenges, and goals with our stakeholders. By openly communicating our efforts, we hold ourselves accountable and inspire others to join us on the journey to a sustainable future.

Vaculug’s dedication to environmental responsibility is more than a strategy; it’s a legacy we’re proud to build. As we retread tyres, we’re also retreading the path towards a healthier, greener world. Join us in our mission to drive change, promote sustainable thinking, and leave a lasting positive impact on the planet.

Together, we’re not just shaping the road ahead; we’re transforming it into a sustainable, thriving avenue for generations to come. At Vaculug, we’re leading the way towards a brighter, greener future.

We see the importance in actively collaborating with local communities and suppliers as a means of achieving sustainable development. Investing in community projects such as the BHive Community project, working with local schools, and supporting local charities and groups allows us to reinvest in the community that supports our growth.

Our work goes beyond our local community and extends across the globe. Our initiatives improve the lives of disadvantaged individuals and families in impoverished regions by giving them access to an education, reducing hunger and building safer homes.

At Vaculug, our purpose goes beyond just fleet management and retreads; it’s about making a tangible difference in the lives of people and the communities we touch. The spirit of giving is woven into our very DNA.

Driving Change, One Initiative at a Time

For us, success isn’t just measured by profits; it’s gauged by the positive impact we create. Our commitment to society is as deep-rooted as our commitment to quality. We’re not just a company; we’re a force for change, actively driving initiatives that uplift and empower.

Charitable Initiatives: Making a Difference Together

From education to environmental conservation, healthcare to community development, our charitable initiatives span a spectrum of causes. We believe that collaboration is key, partnering with organisations and individuals who share our vision of a better world.

Community Engagement: Touching Lives Where It Matters

Our involvement isn’t limited to financial contributions. We actively engage with communities, rolling up our sleeves and getting involved in projects that bring about positive transformation. Because it’s not just about giving; it’s about being present and making a direct impact.

Empowering Futures: Education as a Catalyst

Education is the bedrock of progress. Through scholarships, mentorship programs, and educational support, we’re paving the way for future leaders, giving them the tools they need to shape a brighter tomorrow.

Sustainability in Action: Nurturing Our Planet

Our commitment to society extends to the environment we share. We’re champions of sustainability, actively involved in initiatives that promote responsible practices, conservation, and eco-friendly solutions.

Join Us in Making Lives Count

At Vaculug, we believe that giving is not just an obligation; it’s a privilege. Every act of kindness ripples through the fabric of society, creating a legacy of positive change. We invite you to join us in our journey of making lives count – because when we give, we not only impact others’ lives but enrich our own.

Explore our charitable initiatives and witness firsthand how we’re transforming lives and communities. Together, let’s create a world where impact is measured not just in profits, but in the lives we’ve touched and the futures we’ve shaped.

Good Governance starts with leadership that is guided by purpose. Our approach to building a responsible business is guided by the stewardship of our company’s vision, mission and core values. We believe that by taking care of our people and communities first, the business will be taken care of (and will prosper) in return.

Govern with Purpose

We have introduced a Conflict Minerals and Cobalt Sourcing policy which outlines our commitment to protecting and respecting human rights and ensures that no minerals or cobalt sourced from conflict zones are used in our products.

Ensuring Excellence Through Sustainable Governance at Vaculug

At Vaculug, we take pride in not just pioneering retreading solutions, but also in our unwavering commitment to sustainable practices and responsible corporate governance. Our governance framework serves as the cornerstone of our operations, ensuring that every decision we make is aligned with our core values.

Transparency in Action

As Europe’s largest Independent Retreader, we understand the importance of transparency in all our dealings. Our governance structure promotes clear communication, ethical behaviour, and accountability at every level of our Vaculug family. We believe that transparency fosters trust – a vital element in building enduring partnerships with our stakeholders.

Responsible Leadership

Vaculug’s governance philosophy is rooted in responsible leadership. Our Board of Directors consists of industry experts, sustainability advocates, and thought leaders who guide our strategic direction with a keen focus on long-term value creation. Through their oversight, we ensure that our sustainable practices are not just words on paper, but principles that drive every aspect of our business.

Ethics and Compliance

Operating in a complex business environment demands unwavering commitment to ethical conduct and regulatory compliance. At Vaculug, we uphold the highest standards of ethics and comply rigorously with all laws and regulations. Our comprehensive compliance program is designed to safeguard the interests of our customers, partners, employees, and the environment.

Sustainability at the Core

Vaculug’s governance extends beyond the boardroom – it’s a mindset that permeates every operation. Our sustainability initiatives are deeply integrated into our governance framework. From reducing waste and energy consumption in our facilities to pioneering innovative, eco-friendly retreading solutions, our commitment to sustainability is unwavering.

Engaging Stakeholders

We recognize that our success is intertwined with the well-being of our stakeholders. Our governance model actively engages with customers, suppliers, employees, and the communities we operate in. By listening to diverse perspectives, we ensure that our decisions are informed and reflect the collective interests of those we serve.

Ethics Beyond Borders

As part of a global multinational organisation, we understand the impact our actions can have on diverse communities and ecosystems. Our governance extends beyond borders, respecting local customs and laws while upholding universal human rights. We are committed to fostering an inclusive and harmonious business environment wherever we operate.

Continuous Improvement

Just as our retreading process transforms tyres, our governance continuously evolves to meet new challenges and opportunities. We embrace change and innovation, seeking out ways to improve our governance practices and contribute positively to the world around us.

A Sustainable Future

Vaculug’s governance principles propel us towards a sustainable future. By continually refining our practices, embracing innovation, and adopting responsible business strategies, we’re not just retreading tires – we’re retreading the future of our planet.

Join us on our journey of responsible governance and sustainable progress. Together, we’re paving the way for a world where excellence and sustainability go hand in hand. At Vaculug, we’re not just shaping the road ahead; we’re redefining it.

We want to raise awareness of the importance of regular tyre checks and what to look out for when it comes to tyre wear and damage.

We regularly hold Road Safety and Tyre Awareness workshops in conjunction with the Met Police to educate our customer’s fleets on tyre safety.

We designed a tread depth checker to act as a guide for drivers and operators when checking their tyres. You can scan the QR code on the back of the tread depth checker which will take you to our Daily Tyre Inspection Sheet. This sheets acts as a guide with what to do when you come across wear and damage on tyres.

Did you know you can purchase a tread depth gauge from our sister company Grumac.Tec?

This is non-calibrated for visual guidance only

Useful downloads

To generate your Carbon Report, select your tyre(s) by size and then pattern from the Carbon Calculator, before adding in the annual quantities used by your fleet.

Onde you have entered this information, click on the “Calculate Carbon Savings” button, which will give you the option to saver or download your Carbon Report in printable, PDF format.